Why You Will Never Be Enough—and Why That’s Okay (FREE wallpaper!)
Do you ever feel like you just don’t measure up? This is for you. This explains WHY you will never be enough, and why that’s okay!
Whether it’s not feeling good enough, pretty enough, thin enough, smart enough, worthy enough, valuable enough… the list goes on. We all feel that way in some area or to some degree. That feeling that, no matter what you do, you still fall short. Have you ever felt that way? I know I have. Here’s the weird thing though: it’s actually not wrong.
But I’m here to give you hope today, and uncover the reason behind those feelings, and an answer for why you will never be enough–and why that’s okay!
Why You Will Never Be Enough—and Why That’s Okay
Want a reminder of why you don’t have to be enough, and where your “enough” comes from? Sign up below for my weekly email doses of grace and get this wallpaper—my gift to you!
The reason we will never be enough
The plain and simple fact is: we’re actually not enough. I mean, think about it. When we define ourselves by what we’re capable of, the result is pretty discouraging. We’re weak, we’re limited, and we’re unreliable, no matter how hard we strive to be otherwise.
This is the part where I’m supposed to tell you that if you just keep on keeping on, you can overcome all your shortcomings and work towards achieving the belief that “you are enough.”
But the problem with all of that is—if we’re honest with ourselves—all those things up there?
They’re true.
We ARE weak and unreliable, and at our very core, we will never be “enough.”
I’m not trying to be all doom-and-gloom. It’s just that before we can grasp the truth of who we really are, we have to face facts and admit to what we aren’t. Bear with me, my friend.
My life’s desire is to be able to speak to people. Literally. Not referring to platform speaking or anything like that, it’s that I’m super shy and very introverted, so it’s hard for me to chat with people.
I’m good at being very open, but it’s difficult for me to be friendly and build relationships through small talk. I try and try to be at ease when talking to people but it’s a huge struggle, and it seems like I never get any less awkward.
Plus I struggle with body image. I used to be anorexic, and although I’m much healthier now, that mentality still tries to lure me back at times with negative thoughts about my appearance and my weight.
And that can easily pull me down into feelings of worthlessness and low self-esteem. The more I try to fight it, the more of a temptation that mindset becomes. It’s like no matter what, sometimes I just feel like I’m never going to be “enough.”
Want a reminder of why you don’t have to be enough, and where your “enough” comes from? Sign up below for my weekly email doses of grace and get this wallpaper—my gift to you!
Why not being enough is okay
And I’m not. I’m never going to be enough.
My friend, are you hearing this?? I’m not ____ enough. (Insert whatever word. Brave, bold, strong, cute, popular, etc.)
I. Am. Not. Enough.
And I never will be. And you never will be whatever ____ enough. And that’s okay.
Because in the midst of our lacking? We are right where we’re supposed to be.
Maybe you’re getting miffed with me right about. I mean, I’m not gonna sit here and tell you that if you just keep working to improve yourself that you’ll be good to go.
I can’t bring myself to tell you that. Because no matter how feel-good it is, it’s simply untrue.
Now I’m not saying we don’t all have room for improvement. Of course we do! I surely do, in tons of ways. And there are definitely ways to change our behavior to get better results in our lives, and I’m totally for that.
But even after all that, we still won’t be enough.
Because trying to change who we are at the core is not something we can do in and of ourselves.
Here’s the thing we have to remember. And it’s so important. We are tri-part beings. And at the core of our being, we are a spirit. Yes, we do have a soul—our mind, our heart, our will, our defining personality—and yes, right now on this earth, our spirits dwell in our bodies.
But these earthly bodies will one day pass away, no changing that. And of course we can change aspects of our soul-ish self by choosing to behave one way or another, and we can change our minds about something—our views and beliefs.
But the ultimate state of our being is a spiritual one. And after our bodies die, our spirits continue to exist, it’s just a matter of where. (Get the straight, no-holds-barred truth about where we go when we die here.)
But when we get right down to it, you are a spirit who has a soul and happens to currently reside in an earthly body.
And when we look at the ultimate, core state of our existence—our spirits—we will never be enough.
Want a reminder of why you don’t have to be enough, and where your “enough” comes from? Sign up below for my weekly email doses of grace and get this wallpaper—my gift to you!
Our hope of being enough
It sounds horribly depressing, but I promise you, it is anything but!
Because—I want you to really let this sink in, my friend—Jesus is your “enough.”
Think about it, friend. This means you can stop striving and rest in Him!
This means that, instead of looking to yourself and your actions to find your worth? You can look to Jesus and His finished work.
No wonder we’re insecure, we’re looking to ourselves for sufficiency! When we’re trying to find perfection and reliability and strength within ourselves, then insecurity is the natural outcome!
In other words, if you’re defining yourself by your works and by the natural imperfection that comes from being human? If you’re defining yourself by that, you should feel insecure.
Because the only security we can ever have comes from Jesus.
So stop looking to yourself for your worth, friend, and look to Jesus.
Stop looking to yourself for strength. Look to Jesus.
Stop relying on yourself. Rely on Jesus.
Stop looking to yourself (or someone else) for assurance. Look to Jesus.
Stop defining yourself by your limitations, and accept His grace.
And, my precious friend, stop demanding yourself to be enough.
Find your identity in Christ Jesus.
Because He alone is more than enough. It’s amazing to think about, and so freeing!
When we find our identity in Jesus, we don’t have to be enough. We shouldn’t expect ourselves to be enough. Jesus wants to be that “enough” for us. And much more.
Assurance that He is our Enough
Here’s our assurance, and what hope and freedom and relief it offers!
Jesus came so that we might have life, and have it more abundantly. (See John 10:10)
In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. (See Colossians 2:9)
The Holy Spirit lives within us. (See John 14:26)
When I am weak then I am strong. (See 2 Corinthians 12:10)
My strength is made perfect in weakness. (See 2 Corinthians 12:9)
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (See Philippians 4:13)
And when we get right down to it, we should have no problem admitting to the fact that we’re insecure and that, no matter how hard we try, we’ll never be enough. Because doing so allows us to look to Jesus and say, “Lord, You are my security!”
We don’t belong to ourselves, my friend, we belong to Jesus, and He is our “Enough!”
Want a reminder of why you don’t have to be enough, and where your “enough” comes from? Sign up below for my weekly email doses of grace and get this wallpaper—my gift to you!
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