Couple holding sparklers with text overlay, 7 steps for a hopeful New Year by focusing on the Lord.

7 Steps for a Hopeful New Year by Focusing on the Lord (with FREE cheat sheet)

Feeling overwhelmed about the new year? Get these 7 steps to a hopeful new year by focusing on the Lord and His will to bless you—plus a free worksheet! The new year is always an exciting time because I feel super motivated to do all the things. But it’s also a bit nervous-making. If you’re…

Simple New Years Resolutions Cheat Sheet | New Year | resolutions | focus | intentional | priorities #NewYearsresolutions #NewYear #freedownload #freebie #cheatsheet #priorities

4 Steps for Simple New Year’s Resolutions (with FREE cheat sheet)

Do you ever dread making New Year’s resolutions? Here are 4 steps to making simple New Year’s resolutions you won’t poop out on—plus get a free cheat sheet! Free Simple New Year’s Resolution cheat sheet Want an easy way to make New Year’s resolutions that you won’t poop out on? I’ve got the solution! Get…