Beware of Sacrificing the Blood this Easter | Easter | the blood of Jesus | saving blood | Easter message | sacrifice | saving blood | salvation | worst mistake | sharing the gospel | #Easter #Eastermessage #bloodofJesus #Jesus #Jesussaves #salvation #sacrifice #savingblood #worstmistake #thegospel

Beware of Sacrificing the Blood this Easter

Easter might easily be my favorite holiday. I’m so grateful that Jesus laid down His precious life for me, and taking time to celebrate that with loved ones is wonderful. But something’s been on my heart lately that I want to share with you, because I don’t want you to make the dreaded mistake of sacrificing the very most important thing this Easter.

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I remember sitting in church service one Easter Sunday, listening to the message of Jesus’ blood poured out for our salvation. My attention was drawn to a little girl who was obviously having issues with the sermon.

As the preacher was telling of the saving blood of Jesus, this little girl had her hands over her ears. And what’s more, her mother was reaching over and covering the girl’s hands to make doubly sure the message wouldn’t get through.

I was pretty young myself, but I’d accepted Jesus as my Savior, and I knew even then that something wasn’t right about that.

After the service, the mother stopped to tell the preacher that the sermon was “too bloody.”

And that, my friend, is a problem. The blood of Jesus must be declared. It needs to be proclaimed and proclaimed boldly, because without it, we have absolutely nothing. The blood of Jesus provides so many amazing benefits, and I’m just going to touch on 3 of them.

Beware of Sacrificing the Blood this Easter | Easter | the blood of Jesus | saving blood | Easter message | sacrifice | saving blood | salvation | worst mistake | sharing the gospel | #Easter #Eastermessage #bloodofJesus #Jesus #Jesussaves #salvation #sacrifice #savingblood #worstmistake #thegospel

His blood cleanses

First, the blood of Jesus cleanses us from sin. The Bible tells us that we’re all sinners and we’ve all fallen short of the glory of God. But the good news is that Jesus came, and He became our way out.

Our way out of sin, of filth, of falling short, and of condemnation. Without Jesus’ blood poured out for us, we would still be prisoners of our own sin, trying to work our way clean and only ever able to offer feeble works that are as filthy rags before the Lord.

But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. | 1 John 1:7, NKJV

Because Jesus came and sacrificed Himself for our sins, we’ve been cleansed from all unrighteousness! What a wondrous thought to dwell on. And there’s nothing better we could do for ourselves, our families, and our kids than to share about the cleansing blood of Jesus this Easter.

Want this pretty wallpaper for your phone to remind you what Easter is really about? Sign up below for my weekly email doses of grace and I’ll send it to your inbox—my gift to you!

His blood gives life

The second reason to avoid sacrificing the blood this Easter is because the blood of Jesus gives us life. Before we accepted Christ as our Savior, we were dead in our sins. And without His life-giving blood, we still would be.

The blood of Jesus is so powerful! He chose to submit to the kind of death that would shed His precious blood so that by His death, we could inherit His life. He hung on the cross to become cursed for our sakes, and He died because it was the only way we could ever truly have life, and life eternal.

Then Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. | John 6:53, NKJV

When I realized that Jesus didn’t just die so that my sins could be forgiven (amazing in itself), but that He also died so I could have everlasting life in heaven—AND abundant life here while I’m on this earth—I was so excited! It seriously strikes me with awe when I pause to dwell on it.

His blood reconciles

Finally, we need to be careful not to sacrifice the truth of Christ’s blood because it reconciles us to God.

Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation. | 2 Corinthians 5:18-19, NKJV

So real quick, let’s look at what the term reconcile means exactly. According to Strong’s Greek Lexicon, reconcile means “to change, exchange, as coins for others of equivalent value.”

Woah. Are you seeing what I’m seeing? By choosing the word reconcile, God is saying that He values us as much as He values His Son. That’s gigantic! The concept is one of exchange. Christ’s priceless blood in exchange for our salvation.

Beware of Sacrificing the Blood this Easter | Easter | the blood of Jesus | saving blood | Easter message | sacrifice | saving blood | salvation | worst mistake | sharing the gospel | #Easter #Eastermessage #bloodofJesus #Jesus #Jesussaves #salvation #sacrifice #savingblood #worstmistake #thegospel

Jesus took on our sins in His body so that we can receive redemption now and forevermore. I’ve heard it referred to as the great exchange, and now that we see the definition of the term, I’d say that’s a fitting description, wouldn’t you?

Strong’s also lists a couple of sub-definitions for reconcile: “return to favor with” and “to receive one into favor.” So not only has Jesus given up Himself in our place and restored us to a right relationship with our Father God, but He’s also brought us back into God’s favor.

And none of that would have been possible without the shedding of His blood.

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. | Ephesians 2:13, NKJV

We have been brought near to God by the blood of Christ! There’s no better reason than that to rejoice over the price Jesus paid through His blood poured out for our sins and our redemption.

Don’t sacrifice His blood

Yes, He loves us THAT much. It’s pure magnificence when we realize that His love is in His blood. Christ sacrificed His cleansing, life-giving blood to reconcile us to our Father God.

That’s the most important thing in this whole world. It’s the very reason why we should be extremely careful not to sacrifice the sharing of His blood this Easter season.

My friend, beware of any teaching that omits the blood of Jesus. And pledge with me to proclaim the blood of Christ this Easter!

xo Liv

Want this pretty wallpaper for your phone to remind you what Easter is really about? Sign up below for my weekly email doses of grace and I’ll send it to your inbox—my gift to you!

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Beware of Sacrificing the Blood this Easter | Easter | the blood of Jesus | saving blood | Easter message | sacrifice | saving blood | salvation | worst mistake | sharing the gospel | #Easter #Eastermessage #bloodofJesus #Jesus #Jesussaves #salvation #sacrifice #savingblood #worstmistake #thegospel
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  1. Hi Liv! Thanks for a beautiful reminder of how the blood of Jesus is crucial to our salvation and the Easter holiday. Blessings and Happy Easter!
    Pinning and Tweeting! 🙂

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